Category Archives: Conferences/Events
(A Chinese version of this post is available here).
The 2nd 2017 MariaDB Developers Unconference will be our first in Asia, and will take place in Shenzhen, China, along with two related events:
13 November – New contributor day
14-15 November – Developers Unconference
16-17 November – Patch review days
Provisional Schedule
Shannon are kindly hosting the event. If you want to attend, please sign up on the event page at
All events are free of charge to attend. We recommend you stay in a hotel near the venue.
New contributor day
The 13th of November will be a day dedicated to new developers. …
Continue reading “2017-2 Developers Unconference and Related Events, Shenzhen”
The 2017 MariaDB Developers (Un)Conference was held on April 9 and 10 in New York, and was kindly hosted by BNY Mellon.
Below are a list of the sessions with links to slides/Periscope where available.
Day One
*Welcoming talk: BNY Mellon and MariaDB (Zak Murad), MariaDB Foundation in 2017 (Otto Kekäläinen) – periscope
*What’s new in MariaDB 10.2 (Sergei Golubchik) – periscope, slides
*AliSQL’s roadmap and contribution for MariaDB (Xiaobin Lin)
*MyRocks overview and features (Yoshinori Matsunob) – periscope, slides
*No-Slave-Left-Behind (Jean-François Gagné) – periscope, slides
*Making Percona Monitoring & Management (PMM)/Percona Toolkit/Percona XtraBackup better for MariaDB Server (Peter Zaitsev)
*Instant ADD COLUMN (Tencent, Alibaba, Monty, Marko)
*MyRocks in MariaDB: why and how (Sergei Petrunia) – periscope, slides
*Per-engine mysql.gtid_slave_pos (Jean-François Gagné) – periscope, slides
Day Two
*InnoDB in 10.2 and beyond (Marko Mäkelä) – periscope, slides
*10.3 Features (Monty Widenius) – periscope
*Temporal Support / As Of in 10.3 (Alvin Chang) – periscope, slides
*Let’s write history – Git best practices (Vicențiu Ciorbaru) – periscope, slides
*BuildBot and Travis-CI – improving development speed with airtight CI infrastructure (Otto Kekäläinen, Daniel Bartholomew) – periscope
*Collaboration in Spider development (Kentoku and others)- slides
*Custom aggregate functions in 10.3 (Vicențiu Ciorbaru and Varun)
*Atomic operations and memory barriers in C (Sergey)
*Features of TMySQL / TSpider port into MariaDB (Felixliang/Vinchen)
*Query optimization features in MariaDB 10.2 (Vicențiu Ciorbaru) – periscope1, periscope2, slides
*Less passwords, more security – socket auth by default in MariaDB 10.3 (Otto Kekäläinen) – slides
*The two little bugs that almost brought down (Jean-François Gagné) – slides …
Continue reading “2017 MariaDB Developers (Un)Conference New York Presentations”
The 2017 MariaDB Developers Conference is crossing the ocean this year, and will be taking place in New York, from 9 to 10 April.
The unconference will last for two days and you can join for the whole time, or as little time as you wish.
The schedule of this unconference will be drafted in a public spreadsheet. Initially, anyone attending can help set the schedule by adding sessions, as well as voting for sessions they’re interested in, by incrementing the vote counter. Based on this, the schedule will be drawn up.
BNY Mellon are kindly hosting this years event. …
In October, the MariaDB Foundation attended Percona Live in Amsterdam. Below is a selection of MariaDB-related sessions with links to the slides. There were numerous other sessions that were relevant for MariaDB users, but those listed below are some of the most closely related.
- The MariaDB Foundation – Ensuring continuity and open collaboration in the MariaDB ecosystem – Otto Kekäläinen
- Securing your MySQL/MariaDB data – Ronald Bradford
- Transparent tablespace and log encryption on MariaDB 10.1 using Amazon Key Management Service – Jan Lindström
- Meet MariaDB 10.2 – Sergei Golubchik
- Less passwords, more security: mass administration of MariaDB servers with socket authentication – Otto Kekäläinen
- Scalable Big Query Using SPIDER Parallel Queries and OpenSVC – Stephane Varoqui
- The MySQL Ecosystem in 2016 – Colin Charles
- Virtual Columns in MySQL and MariaDB – Federico Razzoli
- Introducing ScaleDB, the New Clustered, Distributed Storage Engine for MySQL – Ivan Zoratti
- Optimizing Queries Using Window Functions – Vicentiu-Marian Ciorbaru
- Using SPIDER for sharding in production – Stephane Varoqui, Kayoko Goto, Kentoku Shiba
- Common Table Expressions in MariaDB 10.2 – Galina Shalygina, Sergei Petrunia
- MySQL/MariaDB Parallel Replication: inventory, use-cases and limitations – Jean-François Gagné
For more slides and presentations, see:
- 2016 MariaDB Developers Meetup Presentations – various presentations from our annual Developers Meetup
- Videos and Presentations – listing on the Knowledgebase
Continue reading “MariaDB Presentations from Percona Live Amsterdam”
I’ve collected slides and videos from several of the presentations given at the MariaDB Developers Meetup in Amsterdam, 6-8 October 2016. This meetup was kindly hosted by The presentations are listed here in roughly the order they were given. If I have both the slides and video for a given talk I link to both, otherwise I just link to what I have. The video is of poor quality as it was livestreamed to Periscope from a handheld mobile phone. Network issues also mean the streams sometimes dropped and had to be restarted. I will update this post as a receive slide decks from other speakers. …
Continue reading “2016 MariaDB Developers Meetup Presentations”
I had the honor of leading a session on Saturday, during the MariaDB Developers Meeting in Amsterdam, brainstorming around MariaDB Server 10.3. It’s definitely time to do that since MariaDB Server 10.2 has entered beta stage. In case you have missed that, I’ve wrapped up what’s included in 10.2 so far in a blog post on my employer’s site. In addition to the features mentioned in that blog post there are a couple of features still coming in 10.2 of which the most notable is that the MyRocks engine will be included. More about this later in another article. …
At MariaDB we often get to deal with tables, but this time we took on one of a different type, and climbed to the top. We’re in Cape Town for Debconf16, and managed to take some time to climb to the top of Table Mountain.
It’s been a productive visit. Otto, who handles MariaDB packaging for Debian and Ubuntu, and is also CEO of the Foundation, hosted a BoF session on MariaDB and MySQL packaging. It’s an interesting time on the Debian packaging side, with some changes imminent, and it’s been great to see the interest and support. …
The 2016 MariaDB Developers Meetup will be taking place in Amsterdam, from 6 – 8 October.
The meetup will last for three days and you can join for the whole time, or as little time as you wish.
The schedule of this unconference will be drafted in a public spreadsheet. Initially, anyone attending can help set the schedule by adding sessions, as well as voting for session’s they’re interested in, by incrementing the vote counter. Based on this, the schedule will be drawn up.
The event venue and lunches are sponsored by …