2018-2 Developers Unconference in Finland

This announcement is also available in Finnish. Katso myös suomenkielinen ilmoitus tapahtumasta!

We are happy to announce that the 2nd and final MariaDB Developers Unconference of 2018 will take place in Tampere, Finland during the last week of June:

  • 26 June – New Contributor Day
  • 27–28 June –Developers Unconference
  • 29 June – Patch review day

Seravo are kindly hosting the event. If you want to attend, please sign up on the event page at Meetup.com. The event is free to attend.

Sign up to the MariaDB Developers Unconference
Read about getting involved in the development of MariaDB


The event will take place in Tampere, Finland. …

2018 MariaDB Developers Unconference New York Presentations

The 2018 MariaDB Developers UnConference is being held in New York City on February 24 and February 25.

Below are a list of the sessions with links to slides where available. This post will be updated as slides become available.

Day One

* Welcome (Otto Kekäläinen)
* New Developers Tutorial and Best Practices (Vicențiu Ciorbaru) – slides
* Discussion: Refactoring transaction metadata storage (Marko Mäkelä) – slides
* Docker and why we should use it (Vicențiu Ciorbaru) – slides
* New 10.3 Optimizer Features (Vicențiu Ciorbaru) – slides
* MyRocks Storage Engine Status Update (Sergei Petrunia) – slides
* Group Insert (Yuan Zhang) – slides
* Cross-Engine Hot Backup (Marko Mäkelä) – slides

Day Two

* Replication internals and Ongoing and Future Projects (Andrei) – slides
* What’s new in MariaDB 10.3 for developers (Max) – slides
* Arm64 port and optimization (Sandeep) – slides
* Deep-dive: InnoDB transactions and write paths (Marko) – slides
* MySQL features missing in MariaDB (Colin) – slides
* Status of Spider patches in MariaDB 10.4 (Kentoku) – slides
* MariaDB 10.4 brainstorming (Otto) – Knowledge Base page

2018 MariaDB Developers Unconference

The first MariaDB Developers Unconference of 2018 will be our second meetup in New York City, and will be taking place on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 February.

The event is free to attend and you can join for the whole time, or as little time as you wish.

The schedule of this unconference is being drafted in a public spreadsheet. Please add suggestions for sessions you would like to present or lead on this spreadsheet.

The venue is in Manhattan (Google Maps) so that it’s easily accessible for those attending M|18. …

Shenzhen MariaDB Developers Unconference Reportback

Last week saw an excellent Developers Unconference, with many of the top MariaDB developers from Asia and the rest of the world attending.

Working remotely has many advantages, but there’s a certain magic to working through a difficult problem in the same room.

We were made most welcome by our hosts, Shannon Systems. The location in Shenzhen, our first Developers Unconference in Asia, gave an opportunity for a number of Chinese developers in particular to attend a MariaDB Developers event for the first time. Both Alibaba and Tencent are platinum sponsors of the MariaDB Foundation, and have contributed a number of key patches based on their experience of running some of the most heavily-used systems around, and this was the first time to meet some of their developers in person. …

Presentations from the 2017 MariaDB Developers Unconference in Shenzhen

The following sessions were held on the two presentation days of the MariaDB Developers Unconference in Shenzhen.

Day 1

  • MariaDB in 2017 (Otto Kekäläinen)
  • What’s in the pipeline for 10.3 and beyond (Monty) – Slides
  • AliSQL Roadmap (Xiao Bin)
  • JSON support in MariaDB (Vicențiu Ciorbaru) – Slides
  • Replication (Lixun Peng) – Slides
  • Encryption key management (Ben)
  • InnoDB in MariaDB 10.2, 10.3 and beyond (Marko Mäkelä) – Slides
  • Column Compression – Overview, and how it differs from other implementations (Sergey Vojtovich) – Slides
  • MTR Demonstration (Daniel Black)

Day 2

  • Optimizer improvements in MariaDB 10.2 and 10.3 (Vicențiu Ciorbaru & Sergei Petrunia) – Slides 1, Slides 2
  • Features of TMySQL/TSpider port into MariaDB (Felix Liang) – Slides
  • Spider (Kentoku Shiba) – Slides
  • MyRocks (Yoshinori Matsunobu) – Slides
  • MyRocks in MariaDB (Sergei Petrunia) – Slides
  • Instant ADD COLUMN (Marko Mäkelä) – Slides
  • TXSQL Encryption & Audit Introduction (Shaohua Wang) – Slides
  • Introducing PolarDB (Lixun Peng)
  • Challenges in hosting MySQL (Jun Su) – Slides
  • Atomic operations (Sergey Vojtovich) – Slides
  • Memory barriers (Sergey Vojtovich) – Slides
  • MariaDB 10.4 roadmap (Monty)

M|18 MariaDB Users Conference and the MariaDB Developers Unconference in New York, February 2018

February 2018 sees New York City again play host to the MariaDB Users Conference, M|18. The submission deadline for the Call for Papers is October 31, so there’s still time to get your proposal in. For those attending, Early Bird pricing is applicable until the end of November. Details at https://m18.mariadb.com/.

M|18, on 26 and 27 February is for all users of MariaDB. It will be preceded on 24 and 25 of February by the 2018 MariaDB Developers Unconference, for developers of the MariaDB Server software. Details for this event will follow soon, but if you’re know you’re going to be in New York and attending the Developers Unconference, feel free to sign up so long on the Meetup page. …

Visa Applications for the MariaDB Developers Unconference in Shenzhen

If you’re attending the MariaDB Developers Unconference in Shenzhen, China and require a visa, you’ll probably need a letter of invitation as part of your application. Please supply the following information to ian@mariadb.org, and we will arrange a letter of invitation from our hosts.

Full name:
Date of Birth:
Passport number:
Passport issue date:
Passport expiry date:
Company Name:
Job Title:
Who will be covering your expenses:

You will probably also need a letter of employment from your employer, as well as a valid return ticket, but please check the requirements closely with your local embassy/consulate to make sure you have everything needed. …


(The original English version of this post is available here).

MariaDB 2017年第2次开发者大会即将在深圳召开,这是MariaDB社区第一次在亚洲地区举办开发者大会。

11月13日 — 新贡献者日
11月14~15日 — 开发者大会
11月16~17日 — Patch研讨会


11月13日是专门为新贡献者预留的一天。 如果您有兴趣成为MariaDB的贡献者,但不知道如何起步;或者已经做了一些贡献,但希望更深入地了解MariaDB的开发流程,那么这一天的会值得您参加。 参会者需要有C / C ++基础,带上笔记本电脑!会议将兼顾英语和普通话。


11月14日和15日是传统的开发者会议。欢迎任何有兴趣在MariaDB开源项目中贡献力量(代码或者其它形式的贡献)的人参加。 参与会议并不要求您是核心开发人员,这是一个开放的社区,我们欢迎那些愿意学习和参与开源的新贡献者。


在开发者会议之后,经过了大量的展示和讨论,我们需要着手工作了。这2天将用于补丁审查(Code Review),面对面的讨论比正常的在线审查流程更高效。这也是个好机会可以把前面讨论的好想法一起来设计好实现,因为这些想法还很新,您可以亲自与其他开发者进行沟通。

请在这里注册MariaDB Developers开发者大会。 …